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The "Antoni Grzyb - piano" YT channel features piano improvisations and new works. SUBSCRIBE to hear regular updates.

Antoni G takes his classical and rock backgrounds, adds considerable emotional depth, and blends them into mindful, introspective works. At times improvisational, at times orchestrated with other instrumentals and electronics, his music might give hope and inspiration in troubled times, or simply be a comfort on a cold night.
Antoni (aka John Arthur Grant) studied classical piano from an early age, spurred on by Chopin and Debussy. But as progressive rock and a little jazz beckoned, he became an arranger, producer and composer covering an extraordinary range of styles. A busy studio musician and performer offering his services to a long list of artists, Antoni has finally stepped forward with some well-considered new pieces.
"It’s my first album under this moniker, but I feel as if I’ve been playing this music my whole life. It has a European sound, and speaks to my Polish-Australian heritage.”
‘Give Me A Mask’ brings together the two main strands of his early influences – classical and rock music – to forge his own distinctive, cinematic style.
“A quirky originality.”
More info on producer/director John Arthur Grant here.

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Supported by the City Of Melbourne Covid-19 Arts Grants.